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LLNL at the Grace Hopper Cnference
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Lawrence Livermore sent 43 employees to the annual Grace Hopper Celebration, the premier international gathering of women in computing.
Swetha Chandrasekaran holds 3D-printed graphene aerogel supercapacitor
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Researchers at Livermore and the University of California, Santa Cruz have created 3D-printed supercapacitor electrodes capable of achieving record-breaking performance.
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Livermore and University of Washington scientists conclude that it is too early to rule out severe global climate change.
Black widow spider
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Livermore and other institutions collaborate to discover how spiders make silk
Phil Adams
// Recognition
Philip Adams, chief technical officer for the National Ignition Facility, has been recognized with a 2018 Oracle Excellence Award.
Supercomputer simulations of dormant white dwarf
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Remnant cores of burned-out stars could be the key to finding the most elusive class of black holes.
The Sierra supercomputer
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Sierra, one of the world’s fastest supercomputers has been officially unveiled.
Silver nanocrystal superlattice
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A Livermore-led team studies the nanocrystal assembly process in silver.
Three scientists in cancer resarch lab
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For the first time, researchers have developed a way to determine how many cancer cells it takes to initiate a tumor in another part of the body.
LLNL's two 2018 Optical Society of America Fellows
// Recognition
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory researchers Tayyab Suratwala and Jay Dawson have been named fellows by The Optical Society of America.