Science and Technology

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Lasers beaming into a gold rugby hohlraum holding an aluminum fuel capsule
// S&T Highlights
Experiments using a hohlraum shaped like a rugby ball have significantly boosted the amount of laser-induced energy absorbed by an inertial confinement fusion fuel capsule.
A dwarf galaxy
// S&T Highlights
Lawrence Livermore nuclear scientists for the first time have accurately predicted the properties of polarized thermonuclear fusion.
Harold Brown (right) and Edward Teller
// A Look Back
Physicist, former Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Director Harold Brown left an indelible mark
Book cover
// Journal Covers
This book introduces a quantum-mechanical description of the nuclear fission process from an initial compound state to scission.
The element zirconium
// S&T Highlights
New research reveals that the radioactive isotope zirconium-88 is an excellent neutron absorber.
Simulation of a fusion reactor
// S&T Highlights
LLNL's Center for Applied Scientific Computing collaborates with its fusion researchers.
Logo of She Roars podcast series
// Press
Deputy Director for Science and Technology Pat Falcone discusses her career, and women in science and technology in this Princeton University podcast.
Paul Durack
// Recognition
Livermore's Paul Durack has been awarded the World Climate Research Programme 2018 Data Prize.
Nerine Cherepy
// Recognition
Nerine Cherepy has been elected to the rank of fellow of SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics.
Model of innate immune response
// S&T Highlights
Livermore and University of Vermont researchers are exploring how deep reinforcement learning can discover therapeutic drug strategies for sepsis.