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Journal cover
// Journal Covers
We report the use of freeze-dried live cells as the solid filler to enable a new living material system for direct ink writing of catalytically active microorganisms with tunable densities and various self-supporting porous 3D geometries.
Book cover
// Journal Covers
Nicolas Schunck, from the Nuclear Data and Theory Group in NACS, has edited a new book entitled Energy Density Functional Theory for Atomic Nuclei.
Computed Axial Lithography system
// S&T Highlights
Researchers have developed a new high-speed 3D printing method called Computed Axial Lithography.
Graphic illustrating quantum superposition
// S&T Highlights
Livermore scientists have been researching and developing quantum systems for a decade
Scientist at keyboard
// S&T Highlights
Livermore scientists are developing software to protect the electric grid from cyberattack
molecular dynamics simulation shows the fast diffusion of hydrogen ions
// S&T Highlights
A research team successfully produced superionic ice.
Ignacio Laguna
// Recognition
Ignacio Laguna was selected as one of four 2019 Better Scientific Software Fellows, recognizing his leadership and advocacy of high-quality scientific software.
Journal cover
// Journal Covers
α-Glycine is studied up to 50 GPa using synchrotron angle-dispersive X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, and quantum chemistry calculations performed at multiples levels of theory.
Scientists examie power distribution grid simulation
// S&T Highlights
A Livermore team has taken a key step toward creating a commercial tool that utilities could use to modernize the grid.
Lasers beaming into a gold rugby hohlraum holding an aluminum fuel capsule
// S&T Highlights
Experiments using a hohlraum shaped like a rugby ball have significantly boosted the amount of laser-induced energy absorbed by an inertial confinement fusion fuel capsule.