Current and Former Lawrence Fellows



Joined the PLS/MSD Directorate in 2023

Degree: Ph.D. from Stanford University
Research: Multiscale Modeling
Joined LLNL: October, 2023

Joined the PLS/NACSD Directorate in 2023

Degree: Ph.D. in Geosciences from Arizona State University in 2020
Research: Cosmochemistry
Joined LLNL: Fall 2023

Joined the PLS/MSD Directorate in 2023

Degree: Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Research: Metallurgy and Computational Materials Science
Joined LLNL: September 2023

Joined the NIF Directorate in 2022

Degree: Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Research: Plasma Physics  
Joined LLNL: October 2022

Joined the PLS/MSD Directorate in 2022

Degree: Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Research: Computational Materials Science
Joined LLNL: June 2022

Joined the PLS/MSD Directorate in 2022

Degree: Ph.D. from the University of Michigan
Research: Chiral Phonons and Terahertz Optics
Joined LLNL: June 2022

Joined the ENG/MED Directorate in 2021

Degree: Ph.D. from University of Colorado-Boulder
Research: Advanced Materials and Manufacturing 
Joined LLNL: October 2021

Joined the PLS/AEED Directorate in 2021

Degree: Ph.D. from University of California, Berkeley
Research: Energy, civil, and environmental engineering
Joined LLNL: June 2021

Joined the PLS/NACSD Directorate in 2020

Degree: Ph.D. from University of Tennessee Knoxville
Research: High entropy and lightweight alloys design.

Joined the PLS/NACSD Directorate in 2020

Degree: Ph.D. from University of California, Berkeley
Research: Earth system science
Joined LLNL: October 2020