Science and Technology Highlights

Diagram including cell drawing, algae image, and porous microplate cross-section
// S&T Highlights
A multi-institutional research team created a new co-culture device, dubbed a “porous microplate,” to study how metabolites in the water affect the growth of bacterial communities.
Artist's conception of inear induction accelerator with a patient
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Researchers have shown for the first time the potential for linear induction accelerators (LIAs) to deliver effective, targeted doses of “FLASH” radiation to cancer patients.
A diamond capsule inside a NIF hohlraum.
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Among the factors contributing to the National Ignition Facility (NIF)’s record-smashing 1.3-megajoule (MJ) energy-yield shot on Aug. 8 was the quality of the high-density carbon (HDC), or diamond, target capsule used in the experiment.
Satellite approaching an asteroid
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The Laboratory is taking part in NASA’s first-ever planetary defense test, which deliberately collides a spacecraft into an asteroid called Dimorphos.
Colorful on top of a hand
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Rock weathering — the process of chemical transformation by long exposure to water and the atmosphere — boosts soil organic carbon storage by altering soil mineralogy.
Artist's conception of gravity waves spiralling out from black hole
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A research team has dveloped a machine learning-based technique capable of automatically deriving a mathematical model for the motion of binary black holes from raw gravitational wave data.
Man in bunny suit holding metal part
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Third in a series of articles describing aspects of the National Ignition Facility’s record-breaking 1.3-megajoule experiment.
Flames consume a home
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Research shows that two-thirds of the increase in vapor pressure deficit, an indication of fire weather, in the western United States is due to human-caused climate change.
A salmon jumping from river
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A Multi-institutional team of researchers found that late-migrating fish that spend a year in their home streams as juveniles leave in the fall and arrive in the ocean larger and more likely to survive their years at sea.
Image of the sun
// S&T Highlights
First in a series of articles describing aspects of the National Ignition Facility’s record-breaking 1.3-megajoule experiment.