Science and Technology Highlights

Illustration of pipes crossing each other with magnifying glass in front
// S&T Highlights
Livermore scientists use isotope hydrology to sleuth out the source of an extensive water leak and clear an innocent suspect.
Left photo: lab with glove boxes; right: person using a glove box
// S&T Highlights
The Laboratory recently installed a new plutonium target fabrication facility to improve our understanding of the physical characteristics of plutonium as it ages.
Truck with heavy cylindrical tanks driving toward freeway onramp
// S&T Highlights
The Laboratory successfully manages generation, characterization, and shipment of transuranic waste from research and testing activities.
Cylindrical piece of equipment pointing diagonally; many lasers beams converging in upper right
// S&T Highlights
In 1972, Livermore created its unified Laser Program, enabling cutting-edge research in laser fusion systems that has led to a major fusion milestone.
Lanmodulin molecule depicted as ribbons and curls of protein molecules, with two rows of periodic table
// S&T Highlights
Livermore scientists and collaborators at Penn State University are improving natural molecules that would help target specific radioactive elements that are found in nuclear waste or used in nuclear medicine.
Satellite photo of Hunga eription showing circulat cloud of dust
// S&T Highlights
New research by an international team including a Livermore scientist demonstrates that the Hunga explosion was comparable in size to that of the 1883 Krakatoa eruption.
Water and clouds at Lake Erie
// S&T Highlights
Livermore scientists and collaborators have used a new technique to better forecast the level of algal toxins that accumulate in Lake Erie every year.
Racks of network devices
// S&T Highlights
Lawrence Livermore will lead a National Nuclear Security Administration project with Cornelis Networks to collaborate on next-generation high-performance networking.
Four square images, one showing vertical pin, three images of acoustic waves
// S&T Highlights
Livermore researchers have developed a new all-optical ultrasound technique capable of performing on-demand characterization of melt tracks and detecting formation of defects in a popular metal 3D printing process.
Diagram with lines and arrows depicting experimental layout
// S&T Highlights
Livermore researchers have refined the measurement of the gamma (γ)-to-neutron branching ratio in deuterium-tritium (D-T) fusion reactions, a result that is relevant to fusion energy.