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Text "Secretary's Achievement Awards" and DOE logo
// Recognition
Livermore employees, participating in 10 project teams, recently earned Department of Energy Secretary Achievement Awards.
Astronomers' simulation of the appearance of the star AB Doradus
// S&T Highlights
NASA has selected Livermore and Goddard Space Flight Center to serve as lead institutions for the Pandora scientific mission that will study 20 stars and their 39 exoplanets.
Cover, Getting to Neutral report
// Recognition
Livermore’s "Getting to Neutral" Carbon Emissions Team has earned a Department of Energy Secretary Achievement Award for its work on how California could become carbon neutral by 2045.
Peter Celliers
// Recognition
Livermore's Peter Celliers was recently elected to the executive committee as vice-chair of the American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter.
Foggy landscape
// S&T Highlights
Researchers have shown that an improved representation of drizzle rates leads to more pollution in the atmosphere.
LLNL researchers Nick Fischer and Amy Rasley in front of test equipment and laptop.
// S&T Highlights
ConserV Bioscience Limited (CBL) and Lawrence Livermore have agreed to collaborate on the development of a broad-spectrum or “universal” coronavirus vaccine.
Six images of a cheetah used for machine learning.
// Recognition
A paper coauthored by a Laboratory scientist received the IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision’s Best Paper Honorable Mention award.
Artist rendering of patented flexible thin-film neural implants.
// S&T Highlights
The Laboratory has developed an ultra-compact, lightweight and minimally invasive optoelectronic neural implant that could be used for long-term studies of brain activity.
(left) Clouds over dark landscape; (center) power plant with smokestacks; (right) polar ice pack.
// S&T Highlights
The planet is committed to global warming in excess of 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) just from greenhouse gases that have already been added to the atmosphere.
Three images of the rotation of a crystal structure.
// S&T Highlights
Livermore scientists have developed a freely available package, Autopack, which can automatically process and label the packing motifs of thousands of molecular crystal structures.