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Science Advances journal cover
// Journal Covers
A research team measures water and ion permeation through 0.8-nm-diameter carbon nanotube porins, finding them comparable to commercial desalination membranes.
Diagram of post-traumatic osteoarthritis progression.
// S&T Highlights
Researchers find that pre-treating joints with antibiotics reduces inflammation from post-traumatic osteoarthritis following a traumatic joint injury.
Air Pressure Demo
// Fun with Science
The surprising strength of air pressure is revealed through a series of simple experiments. Fifty pounds of lead bricks can be levitated using nothing more than a single breath of air. Meanwhile, the air we breathe has so much force that it can crush a metal can that is too strong to be crushed by hand.
Laser Physics
// Science at Home
Join Félicie Albert, LLNL laser physicist, as she demonstrates some awesome physics magic at home!
Diagram of football spinning
// S&T Highlights
A team of researchers resolves the paradox of the tight spiraling of the tip of a perfectly thrown football around the trajectory of its parabolic path of flight.
Big Bang Demo
// Fun with Science
Water is decomposed into its gaseous components and then reformed in this explosive demonstration. In this experiment, electrolysis of water and the combustion of hydrogen and oxygen are used to demonstrate chemical reactions.
Artist's conception of neutron star
// S&T Highlights
Nuclear scattering experiments suggest how neutron stars grow.
Space Demo
// Fun with Science
The surprising strength of air pressure is revealed by a series of simple experiments using a vacuum chamber and marshmallows to mimic the effects of entering the vacuum of space.
Four researchers view screen
// Recognition
A shape memory foam material developed by Lawrence Livermore researchers is the foundation of a lifesaving medical device that has won a national technology transfer award.
Geophysical Research Letters cover
// Journal Covers
Researchers synthesize methane hydrate and measure its electrical conductivity to aid in estimating hydrate concentration on the seafloor.