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Journal cover illustration with clear cylinder and abstract shapes
// Journal Covers
Livermore researchers report Volumetric additive manufacturing (VAM) of thiol–ene-based SMP photoresins to produce structures with nearly full shape recovery, including self-standing tripod and actuating three-arm gripper structures.
Report cover with forest andsoil horizon images
// S&T Highlights
Livermore scientists have provided input on Microsoft’s pathway to become carbon-negative by 2030.
Illustration of Water molecules (shown with red oxygen atoms and white hydrogen atoms)
// S&T Highlights
Livermore scientists used molecular dynamics simulations to describe the dynamical behavior of dissolved metal ions and water, a key to better understanding the process of corrosion.
Man with gloved hands using tweezers to hold circular filter paper
// S&T Highlights
A prototype, field-deployable device offers postdetonation debris analysis following a nuclear event.
Worker in mask and bunny suit, left, looking at equipment
// S&T Highlights
A high-explosive experiment at the National Ignition Facility expands understanding of material characteristics.
Artist's conception of circular waves emitted by car on road
// S&T Highlights
New approaches to artificial intelligence improve machine-learning predictions in real-world applications.
Magazine cover with satellite image of California, machinery, trees
// S&T Highlights
A Livermore report outlines a strategy to reduce California’s carbon emissions to net zero by 2045.
Laser aiming at fireball
// S&T Highlights
Two of the fields that stand to gain from the National Ignition Facility’s record shot are stockpile stewardship science and the quest for inertial fusion energy (IFE).
Cartoon figures with arrows in four columns with text designating diease stages
// S&T Highlights
A Livermore team has developed a comprehensive dynamic model of COVID-19 disease progression in hospitalized patients, finding that risk factors for complications from the disease are dependent on the patient’s disease state.
Desert landscape with tanks and tanker truck
// S&T Highlights
Livermore, Penn State, and University of Arizona researchers are partnering with industry collaborator Western Rare Earths, U.S. subsidiary of American Rare Earths Limited, to use a naturally occurring protein to extract and purify rare earth elements from abundant, domestic ore-based feedstocks and waste materials without harming the environment.