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Illustration of city with hills, dam, and water
// S&T Highlights
The Laboratory’s cybersecurity, data science, and systems-engineering expertise provides layered, strategic protection for electrical grids, water utilities, railways, and pipelines
Two bluespherical blobs representing tumor and immune cells
// S&T Highlights
Livermore scientists found that proteins in the extracellular matrix (ECM) can dramatically impact the immune system’s ability to kill tumors.
Colorized illustration from a simulation of a holographic plasma lens with red concentric circles
// S&T Highlights
Livermore researchers and their colleagues are exploring ways to build laser optics from plasma.
Researchers work inside metal hutch containing  sientific equipment
// S&T Highlights
Livermore’s decades of leadership in developing high-energy lasers is being tapped to provide a key component of a major upgrade to SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory’s Linac Coherent Light Source.
The SARS-CoV-2 virus
// S&T Highlights
A new study by researchers at Lawrence Livermore and the University of California, San Francisco, identifies cancer-related risks for poor outcomes from COVID-19.
The Turbulent Dynamo (TDyno) target on left (two disks mounted on plastic); data graph on right
// S&T Highlights
An international team turned to Lawrence Livermore’s National Ignition Facility to help unravel the inner workings of heat conduction in clusters of galaxies—the largest structures in the universe.
Researcher with hands on complex machinery
// S&T Highlights
In findings that could help advance another “viable pathway” to fusion energy, research led by Livermore physicists has proven the existence of neutrons produced through thermonuclear reactions from a sheared-flow stabilized Z-pinch device.
Rib cage attached to the soluble organ cavity mold and positioned inside the hollow torso silicone mold.
// A Look Back
Livermore researchers construct three realistic torso-only manikins to aid with radiation measurement.
Illustration of six bacteria arranged in a circle, with another in center
// S&T Highlights
A new review by Livermore scientists and collaborators, appearing in Nature Reviews Microbiology, describes how living and dead microorganisms strongly influence terrestrial biogeochemistry by forming and decomposing soil organic matter
Journal cover illustration with clear cylinder and abstract shapes
// Journal Covers
Livermore researchers report Volumetric additive manufacturing (VAM) of thiol–ene-based SMP photoresins to produce structures with nearly full shape recovery, including self-standing tripod and actuating three-arm gripper structures.