Parents: Students should be dropped off and picked up in front of the University Center Ballroom in the Don and Karen DeRosa University Center. Chaperones will only be available until 3:30 p.m. Please pick up your student promptly.
Address: University of the Pacific, 3601 Pacific Avenue, Stockton, California 95211.
Driving Directions:
Take the March Lane exit
Turn east, travel for 1.6 miles.
Turn right (south) on Pacific Avenue, travel for .7 miles.
You will see Burns Tower on the university campus directly ahead of you.
After crossing the Calaveras River bridge, turn right at the stoplight on Knoles Way onto the campus.
Follow the STEM San Joaquin signs, turn right on Pacific Circle which turns into Chapel Lane.
Turn right on Atchley Way.
Turn left on Presidents Drive.
Turn right into parking lot.