Science and Technology Highlights

An artist’s representation of a block copolymer vesicle
// S&T Highlights
Livermore scientists have created polymer-based membranes that mimic the architecture of cellular membranes.
Two-micron fill-tube
// S&T Highlights
A newly created two-micron-diameter fill tube solves a problem in inertial confinement fusion experiments.
The zirconium body-centered cubic lattice
// S&T Highlights
Scientists have discovered an unusual new type of phase transformation in the transition metal zirconium.
Field-responsive mechanical metamaterials
// S&T Highlights
Livermore researchers have introduced a new class of metamaterials that can nearly instantly respond and stiffen 3D-printed structures when exposed to a magnetic field.
The Lick Observatory’s Laser Guide Star forms a beam of glowing atmospheric sodium ions.
// S&T Highlights
The Laboratory has delivered a first-of-its-kind, high-power, fiber-based sodium laser guide star to the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Seismic hazard map of Iraq
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Livermore's Seismic Cooperation Program helps at-risk countries improve earthquake monitoring capabilities, implement suitable seismic building codes, and plan disaster response.
City Planner Resource (iCPR) animation
// S&T Highlights
A team of Laboratory engineers, computer scientists, and health physicists have developed a planning resource that can assist local governments in determining the best actions to take following the detonation of an improvised nuclear device.
Unify file system diagram
// S&T Highlights
Livermore develops software to reduce performance drag caused by input/output (I/O) workloads.
A range of Discovery Science Program ideas
// S&T Highlights
The Discovery Science Program has spun off a wealth of benefits to the world’s largest and highest-energy laser system.
A cross-sectional look at a NIF fuel capsule
// S&T Highlights
LLNL target fabrication scientists have found a way to make an already hair-thin layer of frozen inertial confinement fusion fuel even slimmer.