Science and Technology Highlights

Varied colors of electrophoretic deposition (EPD) displays,
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Livermore researchers are perfecting a technology called reversible electrophoretic deposition for high-contrast wearable displays.
A schematic illustration of a 3D nanometer-thin membrane
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Mimicking the structure of the kidney, a team has created a three-dimensional nanometer-thin membrane that breaks the permeance-selectivity trade-off of artificial membranes.
Frustraum hohlraum design
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Initial NIF experiments using a full-scale version of the Frustraum hohlraum have produced nearly round inertial confinement fusion implosions and more laser-induced energy absorption.
Energy flow chart
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Livermore has updated its energy flow charts to include state-by-state energy use for 2015-2018.
Artist's conception of Synchrotron X-ray beam impinging upon ionic liquid molecules
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Livermore scientists coupled X-ray experiments with high-fidelity simulations to investigate a widely used family of ionic liquids confined in carbon nanopores typically used in supercapacitors.
Composite image of melting glacier
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The most advanced and comprehensive analysis of climate sensitivity undertaken has revealed with more confidence than ever how sensitive the Earth’s climate is to carbon dioxide.
Artist's conception of lanmodulin protein
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Researchers have designed a new process, based on a naturally occurring protein, that could extract and purify rare earth elements (REE) from low-grade sources.
Drying mudflat with handprint
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Research led by Livermore scientists has identified two signatures or “fingerprints” that explain why arid conditions are spreading worldwide.
Person wearing mask in laboratory
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This video summarizes some of the work that Lawrence Livermore researchers and staff are doing to respond to the COVID-19 epidemic.
Schematic of a capacitive deionization cell
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LLNL scientists have provided a comprehensive practical overview of a capacitive deionization cell's resistive components both experimentally and theoretically.